- 楽しく有機野菜づくりを学べる場
- 本格的な理論・栽培管理を展開
- 「有機栽培の仕組み」を理解できる
Recommended for people like this
- 日本の有機農業を経験したい方
- ホテルの送迎付きを希望している方
Click here for the booking and inquiry about the tour.
Book this tour Inquire about this tourIf you are in a hurry, please call us. +81 03-5783-3571 Open 08:30 - 17:30
Except for Saturday, Sunday, holidays, Year-End and New-Year holidays
Dates & Price

毎年7月に行われ、770年以上の伝統を誇る 「博多祇園山笠」や5月の「博多どんたく」など、福岡市民は大のお祭り好き!

Japanese agriculture that is completely different from Australia.
Australia 9 peopleWe participated for the purpose of sightseeing and agriculture inspection of Japan. Japanese farms are very small and narrow compared to Australia. You will only be able to eat high-quality fruits that are not scratched in Japan.

Participate as an employee trip
Food factory
Chaina 16 peopleI learned a lot of CSR cases of Japanese companies, and became a hint of utilization to the company. Tourism in Hokkaido was also a good refreshment.

Efficient one-day organic farming training
Food factory
Vietnam 16 peopleAs we arrived at Narita Airport early in the morning, we had Narita Airport pick up and went directly to the training center from the airport. Because I did the work, I understood how to make the soil well. The contents of the seminar were also substantial.
Click here for the booking and inquiry about the tour.
Book this tour Inquire about this tourIf you are in a hurry, please call us. +81 03-5783-3571 Open 08:30 - 17:30
Except for Saturday, Sunday, holidays, Year-End and New-Year holidays