- 日本有数の巨大漁港 釧路港と、カキの養殖が盛んな厚岸漁港(あっけしぎょこう)を訪問
- 効率化、新たな展開を目的とした漁港の整備改善について学びます
- 水産物の加工工場を訪問。漁業を生産から加工・販売まで取り組む経営の多角化。
Recommended for people like this
- 漁業者、漁業組合
- 海洋生態系に興味がある人
Click here for the booking and inquiry about the tour.
Book this tour Inquire about this tourIf you are in a hurry, please call us. +81 03-5783-3571 Open 08:30 - 17:30
Except for Saturday, Sunday, holidays, Year-End and New-Year holidays

北海道の夏は、蒸し暑い日本の中では特別な存在で、緑豊かな丘や国立公園を散策するのに最適です。 ハイキング、マウンテンバイク、カヌーなどのために湖、川、山々を訪れてください。
冬には、世界クラスのスキーを楽しめます。 スノーシュー、犬ぞり、スノーモービルなどのウィンタースポーツもあり、日本で最も壮大な祭りのひとつ、札幌スノーフェスティバルに参加できます。

Kushiro wetlands should be seen absolutely
Indonesia 12 peopleKushiro Marsh was wonderful, and Kushiro Port was a wonderful port that was systematized. The hotel was also clean and comfortable.

Aquaculture technology
tiwan 18 peopleThe water treatment technology of the farm was helpful. It is an effective way to prevent the occurrence of illness.

High-class aquaculture in Kagoshima Prefecture
Fishery union
Thailand 25 peopleJapanese cultured fish are marketed at a higher price than natural fish. I also studied the technology to deliver high value-added fish fresh and delicious.
Click here for the booking and inquiry about the tour.
Book this tour Inquire about this tourIf you are in a hurry, please call us. +81 03-5783-3571 Open 08:30 - 17:30
Except for Saturday, Sunday, holidays, Year-End and New-Year holidays