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Exhibition Information : Manufacturing World Nagoya
Title :Manufacturing World Nagoya
Dates : April 15 (Wed) - 17 (Fir), 2020
Venue : Portmesse Nagoya, Japan
Contents : [DMS], [M-Tech], [FacTex],[AeroTech],Additive Manufacturing Expo,Industrial AI/IoT Expo,[MeasureTech]
visitor : 25,000 visitors
Asia's leading Manufacturing Industry Show
Held in the middle of Japan's manufacturing city-Nagoya, Manufacturing World Nagoya gathers all kinds of cutting-edge mechanical components, processing technologies, 3D printing technologies & additive manufacturing, factory equipment, products/technologies for aerospace manufacturing, "AI/IoT" products & solutions, etc. from around the world. The show consists of the following 7 shows.
1) Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions Expo [DMS]
Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutions Expo [DMS] is the japan exhibition gathering all kinds of IT solutions for manufacturing industry such as CAD, CAE, ERP, production management systems.
2) Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo [M-Tech]
Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo [M-Tech] is an exhibition on mechanical parts such as bearings, fasteners, mechanical springs, metal and plastic processing technology.
3) Factory Facilities & Equipment Expo [FacTex]
Factory Facilities & Equipment Expo [FacTex] is an exhibition gathering all kinds of products/equipment for factory improvement & maintenance such as energy saving products, logistics/material handling equipment, maintenance, safety/disaster prevention equipment.
4) Aerospace Technology & Components Expo [AeroTech]
Aerospace Technology & Components Expo [AeroTech] is an exhibition on materials/components & technologies for aerospace manufacturing.
5) Additive Manufacturing Expo
Additive Manufacturing Expo is exhibition for all 3D printers related products & technologies.
6) Industrial AI/IoT Expo
Industrial AI/IoT Expo is an exhibition gathering "AI/IoT" products & solutions for manufacturing industry.
7) Measure/Test/Sensor Expo [MeasureTech]
Measure/Test/Sensor Expo [MeasureTech] is the specialized exhibition for measuring equipment, inspection equipment, and sensors. This exhibition will be held for the first time at Portmesse Nagoya in 2020.
※Exhibition tour
Exhibition Tour in Tokyo
※We can arrange transfers, meals and interpretation. Please feel free to contact us.
Let’s go to a Japanese exhibition in Tokyo! ! With pick-up and interpretation.