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Implementation Report “Japan Kaizen Web Seminar”

Although some of the participants were originally scheduled to participate in the Japan Study Tour, We held the web seminar about corona measures on Japanese factories due to we can't hold it for a while.

We would like to thank 92 company managers in total for participating in it.

Our top consultant gave a lecture on infectious disease control and shop floor improvement, and we actively exchanged opinions.

The Web Seminar was a great success due to all the participants were very interested in Japanese company management.

We will continue to hold web seminars on various topics for manufacturing companies in Japan and overseas.

Seminar outline

Sponsor : HIRAYAMA Co., Ltd.
Form      : Web Seminar
Theme    : Part 1: COVID-19 measures in factories
                 Part 2: How to turn COVID-19 into an opportunity?


Akihiro Ito
Shop floor improvement consultant

Top improvement consultant in Japan with a great track record of improving more than 300 factories. Usually the booking for consulting is not easy because he is very popular.

Review of the web seminar

  • The policy management and human resource development of Japanese companies that turn the COIVD-19 situation into an opportunity to strengthen the companies were highly interested.
  • Great idea of turning corona shocks into opportunities
  • I was strongly moved by how Japanese company see their employees as the property of the company, not the cost.
  • About HIRAYAMA Co., Ltd.

    HIRAYAMA group presents major services of 'in-sourcing & temp staffing' and 'GENBA Consulting'.
    On manufacturing outsourcing, we provide services to improve GENBA (work place) circumstances for better productivity, in collaboration with our GENBA consultants.

    Contact About Web Seminar

    If you would like to have a webinar, please contact us from here.

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