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“TPS practical training @ Bicycle Dojo” in Thailand

In January 2020, the second "TPS practical training @ Bicycle Dojo" in Thailand was held, with 32 participants from six Pakistani and Bangladesh manufacturers.

Course : "TPS practical training @ Bicycle Dojo"
Period : 2 days
location : Ambassador Hotel Bangkok
Instructor : Ito Akihiro

Happy Customers
"We thank you for deliver very good training in Bangkok. We are very happy to being introduced with you. It was indeed a good training program.(very creative and good content) We would like to continue our communication for future business partnership."

About "TPS practical training @ Bicycle Dojo"

Many people from Japan and overseas visit the our TPS Training Center located in Toyota City, Aichi Prifecture, every year to learn about TPS . In 2019, 1249 people took the course.

"TPS practical training @ Bicycle Dojo" is a TPS practical seminar developed to realize the desire of customers to train the leaders who can implement TPS improvement even when they cannot go to the training center in Japan. It can be held anywhere in Japan and overseas.

・Practical training
・Case studies
・Video introductions


Ito Akihiro(Hirayama Co.)
Process improvement consultant

Ito Akihiro act globally at the forefront of TPS consultant,improve more than 300 companies in 12 countries have made improvements and continue to receive high praise.
He worked for JIT Institute, Tokyo for 20 years.( JIT: Just In Time). During this period, he has learned Just In Time philosophy and method of improvement of productivity in manufacturing plant. Continuously he has been engaged in effective introduction process of Production Management System to small and medium enterprise and even big enterprise.

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“TPS practical training @ Bicycle Dojo”

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